Monday, November 10, 2014

A German Community

Identity was a large issue for Germans throughout a lot of their history.  However, as they moved forward, closer to gaining a German identity, they began to think about the idea of community.  As WWI began to close in around Europe, William II was quoted to say “I do not recognize parties any longer, I recognize only Germans” (Hagen 191).  This thought goes to show how Germany was feeling at the time.  After struggling to find a unified German identity, there were still internal struggles about what a German was made up of.  This thought encountered issues with religions, political parties, and class issues.  The people of Germany wanted to believe that being German fell under one sort of identity.  What William II raises with his quote, is that no matter what differences the individuals have within a German identity, they are still Germans.   That is the beauty of being associated with a nation.  There is still a sense of belonging no matter what social differences exist.

William II

 The sense of community felt within Germany was great for building up morale as a nation; however in hard times it led the Germans to follow anyone who could give them hope.  “Disappointment over the terms of the peace treaty, continuing economic difficulties, and the dreary, oppressive conditions of everyday life all combined to alter the mood of the general public, making it more receptive to the propaganda campaigns of nationalist and monarchist groups” (Hagen 205).  The End of WWI was met with a lot of grief for the Germans.  Their national identity had barely been forged and already they were taking the blame for the first World wide War.  The Germans were defeated, broke, and searching for a way to hold on to an identity that made them proud.  It didn’t help that their land had been used for battleground and was full of debris and destruction. This despair led to a move towards community with the Weimar Republic, the German’s first democracy.  

WWI German tank

The Weimar Republic helped Germany to get back on its feet after the devastation of WWI.  Germans began to feel a sense of community again, and began to feel like they had a say in their government.  Slowly, but surely, the Weimar Republic helped Germany to reach back towards a stable place.  There was still a lot of shakiness within politics as the Socialist party was beginning to rise, and economics were still rough due to the large war reparations they had to pay.  However, “the mid-Weimar period is nonetheless recalled as the Golden Twenties, the principal cause was neither political stability nor the deceptive appearance of an economic upturn but a cultural flowering that has become legendary” (Hagen 219).  Despite the distress still happening, the Weimar Republic helped Germany to find a cultural identity that survived in spite of all the bad things that had happened.  This culture helped a community to form and band together during the hard times that followed WWI. “This model of community, originally developed as part of romantic Catholic doctrine on the corporative state, seemed to promise a solution to the class tensions of modern industrial societies” (Hagen 230).  The culture that had developed also saved some class issues as a community was finally forming in Germany.

Flag of Weimar Republic

The desperation for community became even more clear with the rise of the Socialist movement and Adolf Hitler.  Hitler came in when morale was still weak, and was able to form a feeling of community amongst Germans with his motivating speeches.  Despite the horrible actions that Hitler made possible during WWII, he was an incredible rhetorician, which helped him gain support during his reign.  WWII was a time for Germans to feel power, but unfortunately, the end of WWII brought sadness, death, and loss to all of Europe.  Germany was again, blamed for WWII.  Hitler was able to create a sense of community, but sadly it was lost on the tragedies and horrors of WWII.  Luckily, since then, Germans have been able to move past this stereotype and once again, build a strong identity and national community. 

Adolf Hitler

Word Count: 681

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

A German Identity

For all of its existence, Germany has fought for an identity.  In 1806, the Holy Roman Empire crumbled around what is now Germany and “up to this point “Germany” had been inconceivable without the surrounding mantle of the empire” (Hagen 102).  The mix of states didn’t know what to make of themselves without the identification that the Holy Roman Empire gave them.  Although the Holy Roman Empire only gave these states a loose identification, they felt lost and embarrassed without the title.  In this way, the initial loss of an identity is what led to the search for a German one.

Some of the difficulties in creating this desired identity were financial burdens, devastation left over from previous wars, and the overall shock and embarrassment felt by many Germans (Hagen 102).  The people of these loosely identified states knew they wanted to form an identity; however, they were unsure of how they could accomplish it. 

What followed was a flurry of different political ideologies and governments which never quite settled down.  Negotiations concerning land and politics were made ultimately resulting in the German Confederation, which was simply a weak mock of the Holy Roman Empire.  The upside to this was that it gave Germans an identity.  

However, this loose identification did not stick very well.  Religion was debated over as many Protestants and Catholics desired their faith to be present during the Wars of Liberation.  The government was still constantly debated as Germans had not yet discovered one that truly worked for them.  The people of Germany were working hard for an identity but “up to this point the shape of a future German national state had been visible only in the barest outlines” (Hagen 116).  

At this point in history, it seems that the largest challenge for finding German identity was not only discovering and making it work, but fighting for what a German identity should stand for.  The people not only wanted an identity, but a name that they could be proud of.  After 1840, nationalism surfaced strongly again.

More identity problems surfaced as it was debated which states should join the German nation.  The unique and once separate states that form Germany today are a central part to the German identity.  It proves that they are united as a nation, but also still unique in culture. At the point of these negotiations, Germany was still fairly divided as not all of the states were interested in joining the German nation.  However, what resulted was powerful as it created a unity in difference.

A few decades later, Kaiser William I entered the picture as the first emperor of the German nation.  Up to this point, Germany had been working hard to form an identity.  With the entrance of Kaiser William, the German identity was sealed.  Finally a strong leader was present who was able to stand up for Germany as a nation and help to unify and conquer the remaining German states.  

Kaiser Wilhelm was also helped greatly by Otto Von Bismarck, the first Chancellor of Germany.  Although sneaky, Bismarck was able to ally the smaller German states behind Prussia to create a stronger force.  This move was deemed deceitful by some, but they could not deny it helped in unifying the German states in order to finally create a German identity.

Germans fought for an identity in many ways.  They fought for a government, states, and religions that they would be proud of.  By 1871, Germany was considered its own nation, and a strong one.  The process was long and full of arguments, but Germans were eventually able to decide on a German identity.  

Word count: 607

Friday, September 12, 2014

Historical Berlin

Children playing on the Berlin Wall

As I have stated in a previous blog post, Germany is a young country in spite of its rich culture and history.  After watching BBC’s documentary on Berlin, I realized how interesting their approach to their own history is.  Most know that Germany has a troubled past historically, many people still associate Germany with Nazis and the Holocaust no matter how many decades have passed.  Of course, Germany has grown and changed significantly since these days, although the name tag still sticks.  Despite this rather unfair association, Germany does not hide their past.  Artwork from the time of Red Berlin can still be seen around the city.  Although the times of that particular social movement have passed, the Germans have not covered up the artwork, or their association with the movement.  Keeping the artwork on display shows acceptance with their past, even if their is not pride felt in it.   Many concentration camps also remain open to the public for visitation.  There is no shame in Germany for their association with the Holocaust, because the nation realizes that they have moved past that.  Matt Frei says in the documentary that Germans “acknowledge rather than deny their history”.  Compared to American culture, which often covers up distasteful history(such as slavery, Native American relations, or the dropping of the atomic bombs), Germany understands that the nation has made mistakes in their past and leaves these mistakes open to the public, so that everyone might learn from them.  
An example of Socialist Realist art in East Berlin

The differing idea of freedom is another interesting concept that seems to have been analyzed several times in Berlin’s history.  Of course, the largest symbol against freedom in Berlin appears to be the Berlin Wall.  However, it was interesting to hear in the documentary that many people felt more freedom when the wall was erected.  At one point in the documentary, it was stated that West Berlin, which was completely encased by the wall, had a sense of freedom inside.  Although the Wall kept many Germans from going anywhere, many West Berliners did not feel as if they had many limitations.  

An interview with a North Vietnamese man, who found refuge in Germany, also felt more free when the Berlin Wall was in place.  He stated that he felt more acceptance when the wall was up, and once it came down, the German Youth made him feel less apart of Germany.  It changed the way his place of refuge accepted him.   

For East Berlin, the Wall allowed the Socialist party to continue.  They feared that the West still had Nazi associations and decided to cut off that part of Germany from East Berlin.  This allowed them to expand their socialist ideas without the fear of “Nazi” intervention.  

Berlin today, a city aware of its past and present!

Of course, for many Berliners the Berlin Wall was the ultimate example of dissipating freedom.  For a generation, families and friends were kept from each other.  The documentary also speaks of all the attempts of escape from East Berlin.  While some East Berliners felt free to practice their ideologies within the wall, others could think of nothing but escaping.  Guards who stood in front of the Berlin Wall were ordered to shoot anyone who attempted to move past the Berlin Wall.  

The Berlin Wall meant something different to everyone in Germany.  For some it was about freedom, for others it was control.  For others it meant being kept from family and friends.  The tearing down of the Wall had even more mixed reactions.  Some weren’t sure how to approach the freedom in front of them, while others felt unsafe.  This important point in German history shows the world how freedom is an idea that is still being worked out, and how difficult it can be to find a freedom that works for every person.  

Brandenburg Gate--an important part of Berlin's history!

Word Count: 627

Sunday, September 7, 2014

The Reformative Rebel

Before Martin Luther, Christianity was most often used as a tool for corruption across Europe.  People who had no money or power were faithful to Christianity and had no reason not to believe it.  People in positions of influence who had money, used Christianity as a tool to multiply this power.  More often than not, it became a mess of religious and political ties that were focused on control and greed, rather than the good that comes with faith and service.  
Cue Martin Luther, a man who saw past the fraudulent nature of the church and took a stand against it.  Luther’s beliefs had no room for corruption, but were fueled by independence, intelligence, and rebellion.  It was not only Luther’s beliefs that were revolutionary, but the actions he took to make his beliefs known.  His dedication and spirit showed the people of Germany how different faith could be.  At the time of Luther’s emergence, indulgences were being sold as a means of money-making for the Church.  Many uneducated people across German-speaking lands didn’t realize they were being scammed.  The Church was taking advantage of the lack of education in the greater population, rather than trying to spread knowledge.  Luther saw the ludicrous of this action, and decided he had to use his knowledge for a greater good. 
Joseph Fiennes in the movie Luther

One of Luther’s first actions was to create what is known as the ’95 Theses’, a declaration of Luther’s issues within Catholicism.  The legend states that Luther tacked his theses to the church door, inciting his desire for change.  This powerful image marks Luther’s first step forward as the Christian rebel.  Unafraid of what his actions might mean for his afterlife, Luther felt completely confident in his claims.  The theses certainly weren’t doing any favors for Luther, but were instead getting him in trouble.  This further served to show the people that he did not have a political agenda for power.
Luther at the Diet of Worms by Anton von Werner, 1877

Luther’s rebellion continued at the Diet of Worms, where instead of recanting his writings as the Pope desired, Luther took a stronger hold on his claims.  Luther used the opportunity to give a speech about his firm beliefs, even though doing this put him in danger.  Luther had to flee for a time after this occurred, but his actions showed the people once more the reality of the situation.
Another of Luther’s most famous rebellions is the translation of the Bible into German.  Until then, the Bible had only been written and copied in Latin, which most German-speaking people could not understand.  This contributed to the lack of education across Germany as most people were only exposed to what church leaders told them concerning their faith.  Therefore, their perception of Catholicism had little to do with the actual Bible and much more to do with what corrupt religious officials were sharing with them.  Luther’s action changed this, and the Bible continued to be translated into several other European languages.  

Luther’s writings were powerful and provocative, but his actions were almost more important to his movement.  His rebellion awakened the people of Germany to the corruption happening in their churches, and opened their eyes to the reality of a more realistic faith.
Luther's speech at the Diet of Worms.

Word Count: 533

Monday, September 1, 2014

The Birth of Germany

The birth of Germany as a nation, and the humanist aspect of German culture is one that I find very interesting.  Germany is a relatively “young” country despite its rich history.  Although Germany is young, it has history that was created prior to it becoming a nation.  In Schulze’s book, he states that the humanists’ mission was “to lead Germany out of barbarism” and that in this journey, “the first clear and lasting outlines of a German nation took shape” (Schulze 50).  Germany is a country that many people associate with religion and politics.  Religion for the famous Martin Luther and his “95 Theses”, and government for the radical dictatorship of Hitler in World War II.  With this in mind, it seems surprising that Germany’s birth as a nation is rooted not in religion or politics, but humanism.  Germany, at its roots, is all about its people, and the belief that a nation can exist off of human goodness.  Like every other country, Germany has points in its history where it has swayed from these humanist ideas.  However, it is important to recognize that Germany’s belief system originated with the thought that people can exist together by doing good.  It is also interesting, that Germany’s most broken times were when they did stray away from humanist ideals.  The Reformation divided Germany into many separate belief systems and created strife for the unity of the nation.  Religion only served to separate Germany further as a nation.  Politics is what kept Germany separated at its beginning, where several areas were led under different Germanic princes.  Schulze also talks about Germany’s longest peace time  from 1555-1618, which ended because “ambitious leaders had formed alliances along denominational lines and were only waiting for the right moment to strike” (Schulze 62).  Germany’s history manages to prove a point in this way.  It reveals how a nation focused on the people, and the natural goodness people can have will help to make a nation thrive.  When a nation is for the people, the people will be happy. The history also shows that differing religious and political beliefs will often serve to divide a nation and create trouble and strife.  The power struggles that come along with these topics always manage to cast some out, while elevating others.  I know that most of the things we will study concerning Germany, will have to do with its politics and its movements through religion, but I think it is important to note what exists at the roots of a country’s beliefs.  

Schulze, Hagen. Germany: A New History. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1998. Print.

Philipp Melanchthon(1497-1560) was a famous German humanist who worked with Martin Luther.

Berlin, the capital city of modern Germany! 
Word Count: 423

Friday, June 6, 2014

Return to Germany

In the summer of 2012, I traveled to Europe for the first time and had the pleasure of exploring Germany, France, and Spain for a few days.  While in Germany, I was able to see the cities of Munich, and Heidelberg.  Both cities were beautiful and full of history and culture, and ever since I have been dying to see more.  Although there were many incredible trips offered this D-term, the historical element of this trip really pulled me in. Although, I study English, I love to learn about the history that a lot of my literature is based on.  The fact that we will be traveling to different cities than I have seen before is also exciting, I am so grateful for the opportunity to see even more of Germany!

Particularly, I am really looking forward to seeing more castles, and cathedrals.  On my previous trip, we were able to see Neuschwanstein and the Heidelberg castle which were both beautiful and full of interesting stories.  It will be very interesting to see more historical spots in Germany, like where Luther supposedly pinned his theses, and the concentration camp.  I have read a lot of literature on both these subjects and I think that as a future educator, it is important to understand the places you read about.  This is a great opportunity to do so, and it will be interesting to make a historical connection to my literary ones.  

Dr. Wolf has also mentioned that we might take optional evening trips, such as a visit to a classical music concert.  I really enjoy the emphasis that Dr. Wolf has already put on exploring the cities as much as possible.  I think it is very important to not only see the historical monuments and castles, but also to visit every day cultural aspects of a city.  While seeing historical sights is an incredible thing, to really understand a culture it is important to visit restaurants, museums, theaters, ect. These are the places that citizens visit every day, so to truly understand the modern culture, it is necessary that you visit these places. I will be very excited to have this mix of historical and cultural immersion within this short trip.   
I really hope to learn more about the German culture, and more about its history.  As a future educator, I am hoping that I will learn more about the dynamics of different cultures and how to incorporate this information into an English literature classroom.   

Word count: 415

Neuschwanstein‎ castle in Munich, Germany

A view of Heidelberg, Germany.
Our tour guide told us this shop had the best cake in Heidelberg!